Wednesday, October 27, 2010

the one with Big Tex

A few weeks ago I got to go to the State Fair for the first time. Well, of course my family tells me it wasn't my first time, but when you take someone at age 2, how do you expect them to remember it? So this was my first time going and actually remembering it. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but it turned out to be a really fun day! We ate corndogs and funnel cakes, rode a ride that made us dizzy, and saw the little piggys race for Oreos. My sister and I took to the time to walk around and enjoy the fair grounds, but my favorite part of the day was the people watching.

People are always surprising me with their crazy antics and on this day they were out in full force. There were lots of interesting people around, but the best one was on the ride home. We were riding the DART back to our car and this older guy jumps on at one stop. He is carrying 4 inch heels, wearing hospital booties (you know like the shower caps for your feet), and he has a catheter! Yep there it was, a bag taped to his leg and a tube running up into his shorts. Gross! Mandy and I tried not to stare, but it's hard to keep your eyes off something like that, especially when the guy is sitting directly across from you! It's also extremely hard to keep a straight face. Luckily, he only rode the train for one stop, but it sure was an interesting few minutes.

So all in all, my first time at the State Fair was a success! We got to see the crazy people of Dallas, gain 5 pounds, and I got to spend the day with one of my best friends.  I had so much fun, thanks to my awesome sister for taking the time to spend the day with me. Love you MK! Can't wait until next year...

Here's proof that I have gone to the State Fair now!

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