Now on to the real post...
Every year, Phi Lamb has their end of the year banquet. This is a time where they honor seniors, officers, committee heads, and so forth. The main purpose of this post was to post pictures from the banquet. But I just wanted to add how amazing Phi Lamb was for me during my time at Texas A&M. I am so thankful I went to that first mock meeting my freshman year because it has been an amazing four years. I have met some of my best friends through this organization and had so many fun memories. I wouldn't be the woman I am today without it. It has helped me grow in my faith and has allowed me to worship weekly with my sweet sisters of the Lord. One of my best experiences of college, hands down.
I know in the end I grumbled about going to meetings, but every time I went, I was blessed immensely. I learned some lesson or I got to visit with a dear friend I hadn't seen in a while. All I have to say is the Lord knows what He's doing. He placed it on my brother's heart to introduce me to the organization and get me plugged in while a lonely freshman. He gave me great friends and allowed me to minister to underclassmen as a leader in the organization. He gave me a great covenant group where I could be completely vulnerable and I knew those girls had my back, along with wonderful accountability partners. And so many more things, but for now we'll just move on to the pictures...
Half of the best covenant group I had in Phi Lamb. I love all of you girls with all of my heart.
Kim, Courtney, me, Katherine, and Allison
I love this picture as much as I love you Elise Graham! I loved being a back row Baptist with you at meetings, such fun times.
Elise wanted us to act like we were 80s sitcom roommates who didn't like each other. At least I look like I don't like her...
Katherine Bravo is such a funny girl to hang out with.
The last of my pledge class. I think we originally started with like 100.
Courtney, my sweet friend of 4 years.
Carrie, my awesome little sister.
Casi and Stacey! I'm so glad to have you as friends.
Rachel and I always have to do a goofy picture.
Rachel, one of my best friends and favorite roommates!
BK, my infamous half-black friend.
Some more of my covenant group. I made two of them cry, it was awesome and hilarious.
Cristy and Michelle, my lovely sophomore friends who were constantly reminding me of how old I was.
What a great four years at Texas A&M University I had! Thanks to my friends who made it amazing and my parents who footed the bill :) Ya'll make my life so fun and I am extremely blessed!
BTW, while I was finishing writing this, the Mavs won the finals! Whoop! All my teams bringing home championships this year!